Dustballs shouldn't bark


Yet I have one.  It's white-ish, has a black wet something in place of a nose, it has eyes somewhere, and it thinks its a dog.

I think this is my parents low-key telling me to clean the shit out from under my bed, because I think that's where they got this thing.  I have no idea where else they can get somewhat sentient dust bunnies like this.

...I think it's looking at me right now, but as I can't see where the fuck its eyes are at, I can't tell.

...it smacked the wall trying to find his ball I rolled to him...her...it. 

I don't even know what its gender is.  Hell my PARENTS don't know what gender it is.  But apparently I can keep it. 

...I hate how adorable and funny it is.  I'm taking it to work tomorrow.  Maybe Royce and Kar can help me figure out a name for it...and figure out what the hell gender it is.  It's made of barking fur, I swear to God it is.

Mom's yelling at me to walk my furball in public.  Got to go, laters.


  1. That is quite interesting. I'm curious to know more about this odd creature. Keep us posted.

    --Dr. Ferris

  2. Does it even *have* reproductive organs?

    1. Piss if I know. I'm not a vet and I'm not gonna start being one now.


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