
Showing posts from June, 2019

Unwarranted Update

Kareena again. I think I just got involved with something I wasn't expecting to be involved in. It seems that the Bird Woman wants Kai back as well, and thus woke me out of a dead sleep and....and did SOMETHING to me.  I'm not sure what she did, but I still feel like my sins are bleeding on me. I...I know what I did, Bird.  I know my sins and I refuse to let you use them against me.  I know my sins, and I REFUSE to let you use them against me.  I REFUSE!  YOU HEAR ME?!  I REFUSE I REFUSE I REFUSE! THAT BITCH HAS IT COMING! I should take a nap...I'll be over to walk Flufflebutt soon...

Another Update

Well, Royce and I can walk Flufflebutt twice a day, but Kai's parents are still not letting us in on what is going on.  And sadly, the fluff puppy is still too new to be of any use in searching for Kai's scent. Royce believes that we should just let the police and his parents handle it, but from what I seen thus far, I wouldn't trust them to do the job right. So I'm pretty much dragging him along on this madness. Anyway, Royce and I were contacted by a private investigator.  Royce, Miss Karika and I told them everything we knew about the robberies, Kai and his opioid addiction he was being weaned off of, the last few days' odd events, and his especially odd book that sometimes agitated him because he drew a picture, only for it to turn into words later or strange, alien lines. I'm hoping he was contacted by Kai's parents, because the only other person I can think of is that strange man named Ferris.  And that's because I think he's more inter...

Update on investigation

Well, there isn't much to update this with, but I wanted to let Kai's parents know that there has been some libraries and local bookstores that were hit by the same people that may have kidnapped Kai.  Even Miss Karika's shop, and she showed us the mess they made.  And we had to clean up the absolute mess else she couldn't reopen her doors.  Really, they could have just bought the books they wanted for a dollar.  We were having a sale this week, too. Anyway, I know it's not much, and we shouldn't be getting in the way ourselves, but since the police aren't doing anything, and every time we call and ask you both for any information about how close you are to finding Kai, it's met with silence. So we're going to seek him out, and hopefully, we can compare notes when you think we're worth being brought into your investigation. And if its okay, may we walk Flufflebutt for you at least twice a day?

Under new management temporarily

Hello, I'm Kareena and I am here to inform everyone that actually bothered to read this that Kai has been abducted and the idiot police think he just ran off to get high again. I can assure you, he has been trying his best to stay sober, though he is currently in the process of weaning himself off of the opiods. I'm not sure who took him, but Royce and I have begun our own investigation because something isn't right about all of this. I'll keep you updated.

Something's up

Okay, update.  My book is starting to be alittle more creepy than usual.  Namely it's still showing more pages of me and Amber, who I went to school with, writing in it, but Amber never had a journal like that and she hasn't been in Kansas in the last three years, so we're not sure what the hell's up with that mess. There's more lines and stuff appearing in the book as well, but again, it would be impossible for anyone to replicate because not matter how hard with look at it and TRY to transcribe it, it's never right. With apparently me being the exception.  But only like, 50%.  Just looking at the lines long enough starts giving me a headache and after about twenty minutes of drawing the lines and stuff, my arms and back start hurting. Also, my family has noticed that there's new people roaming around at night and told me to stay at home after dark.  While at work, I gave Kareena and Royce my password to my blog.  I don't even know why I decided t...

Creepy shit galore

OKAY!  Update time on the book. More weird passages appeared in the book, along with more weird patterns and I know I shouldn't be typing this shit down but it's scaring the crap out of me and I feel like venting onto a media I usually don't like venting on. I have a person for that.  That's their JOB.  WHY can't I stop writing on this stupid thing?  Whatever! Second thing!  WHY is there a bunch of crows and ravens hanging around my neighborhood?!  We usually don't get a bunch of them, but now I can't go outside without an umbrella for fear one of being shat on. AND ANOTHER THING!  I DO NOT LIKE THE BIRD LADY!  She was in my room last night, and I was FULLY FUCKING AWAKE!  She told me to let my guilt consume me.  I have no idea what the hell she means and I don't care!  I already told my parents what happened last night, and they're looking into it right now.  They also wanted me to ask about where this Ferris guy is....

What the hell am I reading?

Seriously, this is fucking freaky as Hell.  I opened my journal today and I find that words appeared in it. And the REALLY freaky part of that is that apparently I  wrote it.  But there is no way I wrote in that thing.  The handwriting is similar to mine, but Dad said it also has more experience in the movements, as he said.  Meaning an OLDER version of me apparently wrote that.  Some scientists from my parents' job's looking the book over and trying to analyze the markings that appeared previously and the writing now. They also don't want me to disclose what is said, but I can tell you this now, it's creeping me out.  Even more so when all those damn ravens seeming to just hang around Topeka now.  What the hell?  I'm seriously weirded out right now, so I'm going to get Kar onto a game of Destiny or something.  Laters all.