Something's up

Okay, update.  My book is starting to be alittle more creepy than usual.  Namely it's still showing more pages of me and Amber, who I went to school with, writing in it, but Amber never had a journal like that and she hasn't been in Kansas in the last three years, so we're not sure what the hell's up with that mess.

There's more lines and stuff appearing in the book as well, but again, it would be impossible for anyone to replicate because not matter how hard with look at it and TRY to transcribe it, it's never right.

With apparently me being the exception.  But only like, 50%.  Just looking at the lines long enough starts giving me a headache and after about twenty minutes of drawing the lines and stuff, my arms and back start hurting.

Also, my family has noticed that there's new people roaming around at night and told me to stay at home after dark. 

While at work, I gave Kareena and Royce my password to my blog.  I don't even know why I decided to do that, but something in me told me to.  I just hope this isn't something that's going to cause alot of trouble.

My therapist has also been acting odd, lately.  Like she's not fully there anymore.  I told Dad and he said he'll see about getting me a new one.

I'm...I'm tired, guys.  I'm going to bed.  Laters.


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