What the hell am I reading?

Seriously, this is fucking freaky as Hell.  I opened my journal today and I find that words appeared in it.

And the REALLY freaky part of that is that apparently I wrote it.  But there is no way I wrote in that thing.  The handwriting is similar to mine, but Dad said it also has more experience in the movements, as he said. 

Meaning an OLDER version of me apparently wrote that. 

Some scientists from my parents' job's looking the book over and trying to analyze the markings that appeared previously and the writing now.

They also don't want me to disclose what is said, but I can tell you this now, it's creeping me out. 

Even more so when all those damn ravens seeming to just hang around Topeka now.  What the hell? 

I'm seriously weirded out right now, so I'm going to get Kar onto a game of Destiny or something.  Laters all.


  1. Oh dear...

    I've never bothered to study time travel myself, but I've heard stories, and if that's what's actually happening here, then it could be problematic...

    --Dr. Ferris


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