How can books help?!

The job they want me to have?  Working at a fucking book store.  A FUCKING BOOK STORE!  Do you know how stupid that is?  Who reads books?  Nerds and pretentious fucks that think they're better than anybody else.

"But hey!" they said, "At least it isn't a popular book store!"

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A POPULAR BOOK STORE!  It could be Barns and Nobles, and I bet it would have less than four people there and they would be looking at the DVD section.

My God what decrepit building are they making me work at?  I won't know until tomorrow.  Mom, Dad, I know you're reading this, WHY A BOOK STORE?!  I know it's 'important' to teach me lessons about being an adult, but I feel like this is more an insult than an actual lesson. 

Okay, fine, I'll do the stupid job, but don't expect me to enjoy or even care for it. 


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