Welcome to my shitty blog

Hi, my name's Kai, but you can call me whatever the fuck you want because I don't care.  I'm just writing this thing because my therapist thinks it'll help.  Oh yeah, writing down stupid thoughts makes me feel better already.

Anyway, I know Mom and Dad are going to read this, so I guess this is really so my parents can see my mental state.  I think it's a shitty state, but I didn't want to move my brain there in the first place.

Okay, no more beating around the bush.  I need a therapist to help me deal with my opioid addiction.  I'm told I'm doing good, but Goddamn it hurts sometimes.  And no, I'm not some loser on the internet living with his parents because he's too stupid and lazy to get a job.  I'm 16 years old, dealing with a back injury I had since I was 7.

Parents and I were coming home from a school thing when a drunk driver forgot that red meant stop.  Mom said I was in a coma for about a week, and during that time, I had three surgeries to fix most of my back.  They mostly did a good job, but sometimes, my spine hurts to the point of tears.

Okay, I wrote my feelings down now.  I'm done for today.


  1. Poor Kai!

    Well, at least you haven't lost your snark.


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