What the fuck, people?!

Okay, really?  Really?  Is there a scavenger hunt for a stupid book going on or something? 

Another creepy-ass fucker attacked today, again with a creepy mask.  And again, with a gun.  But I take heart in knowing my bookstore isn't the only place being hit by stupid masked dumbasses with guns.

All for some stupid ass book....really.  They could be civil.  Just walk in, look around, possibly find it, take it to the counter, hand the lady behind the counter two dollars, and leave.


Anyway, speaking of books, I found this weird one today.  Blank, though.  Showed it to Miss Jones and she didn't recall ever getting it.  Looks like a journal, though.  Maybe I'll draw in it when bored as hell at work.

What else happened today?  Hm....Oh yeah, Mom has to go on a research expedition for some reason.  Said it was about finding a sample for some research.  Mom and Dad both work at this research institute called TRIAS.

Timor Research Institute of Anomalous Subjects. 

Don't really know what that all means, but it pays well or else my parents couldn't be able to punish me with putting my allowance into my college fund.

Which they started doing once I got in trouble with the opioids. 

But the bookstore pays, so I'm not completely at the mercy of my parents.

Oh yeah, before I completely forget, Kareena and I are actually bonding over the fact that we both hate stupid people and think Royce has a nice ass.

We also bond over stupid shit we like to do when we're bored.  I would tell you what Kar's goal in life is, but then you would report her.  Then you would report me because I want to achieve this goal now, too.

Anyway, Dad's yelling for me.



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