Who wants to steal a book?

You know, maybe working at the bookstore isn't a bad thing.  You won't believe who actually visits the place.

And you won't believe that someone actually tried to rob the place at gunpoint.

I also learned that Kar also knows how to use car keys to maximum effect.  If the makers didn't want them used as weapons, they shouldn't have had points on them.

Anyway, about the robbery today.

It was stupid, really.  The masked creep literally stormed in, stuck a gun into the clerk's face, demanded to know where the Word of Philip, or Alex...fuck, I can't remember what the hell he was wanting.  He wanted a stupid book.  A book he could have literally bought.  For TWO DOLLARS.  Who is that fucking cheap over stupid ass books?  Really?

Anyway, Kareena reamed the guy with her car keys before Royce tackled him and put him in a submission hold.

I just stood there, looking pretty as this went down, because really.  Who robs a fucking bookstore for a BOOK?

Next, someone'll go to a recycling plant to rob them of their recycle blocks of crap.  Anyway, I'm fine, Kar's fine, the derpy-ass clerk's fine, Royce's pretty ass is fine, so is Royce, and no one really got hurt that didn't deserve it. 

Now that I typed this down, I smell Mom making some good Thai for dinner.  Laters!


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