Mugged by an asshole

Well, apparently my new book is what those fuckers were after.  One of those guys mugged me, ripping my backpack open and running off with it.

Joke's on them, because as soon as I got home, it was on the kitchen table, waiting for me.

However, so was Mom and Dad's boss.  The Director is a small lady, but something about her is fucking intimidating.

Asked how I got the book, what I can see on the pages, who those fuckers that tried to rob my store and then mugged me.  Things like that. 

I showed the lady the weird Devil Plus Sign, but that was also when I discovered what looked to be a ritual diagram on the next page.  Thing is, there is no way anyone can replicate the lines, circles and weird letter things. 

Which also kinda pisses me off because I drew Royce in knight armor on that page.

Well, regardless, I'm being put under observation by my parents' job and they are reading these posts to see if I'm being influenced by anything.

Like I'll be influenced by anything.  Pshaw, I'm too stupid to be influenced.  Court said so.

Anyway, I'm done.  Night all.


  1. Apparently I missed a few posts here.

    That is an interesting book you have. Please keep us updated if you learn more about it.

    I'd ask to examine it myself, but it seems partial to you.

    I also have no idea where you are, and I have my own matters to attend to, so yeah...

    Good luck.

    --Dr. Ferris


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