
Yeah, sorry for the long wait.  I was in pain.  I guess when that fucker mugged me, he did something to my back, so after the adrenaline wore off, the pain kicked in like a pissed off mule.

So I had to take my morphine shots, and actually have them work.


Before you ask, no, you can't go cold turkey on opiods.  That's suicide.

Now, onto the daily update of the book.

Nothing new has shown up in the book, so I doodled in it again.  This time, Kareena driving a tank, because why the hell not? 

Other than that, things been pretty peaceful.  Though I thought I saw a weird black dog staring in the front room's windows today.  Mom and Dad were at work and my job was told I wouldn't be coming in.

Thing is, I felt that the dog wasn't right.  Like, it wasn't a dog, but that's what I could only see it as.  And thought I told it to scram, it acted like it heard me, but didn't see me.  Which it should have been able to, as I was on the floor.  It's abit of a spacious room, so you can't miss me.

Guess the sunlight on the window was blinding it or something. 

Anyway, back pain's spiking again.  I'm laying back down.  Night all.


  1. Oh, goody. The Puppers has emerged. Lucky you.

    --Dr. Ferris


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