A Visit from a PI

Today, Royce and I actually met with the Private investigator that we spoke on the phone.  I'll transcribe the event as faithfully as I can.

I recall that Royce and I were walking Flufflebutt down the road, making sure the large fluff keeps his shoes on.  (Yes, I got him little shoes so he doesn't burn his feet.  Mock me all you want, he takes to them with little effort.)  I believe we were walking by him when Royce groaned in exasperation and said my name and then told me that tanks weren't meant for civilian use.

That was when the man stopped us and introduced himself as Tony.  I sadly didn't catch his last name, but he told us that he was investigating Kai's disappearance.

Royce and I both were happy to tell him everything we knew about it, even walking to the bookstore.

Kai was pretty much snatched from the front of the store, having been asked by Karika to close up for her.  He asked Karika if there were any security cameras in her shop, or outside the door, and she replied that she had one, but it stopped recording anything three months ago and the people that put it in won't repair it.  But the little shop across the street should have something on theirs.

He looked the area over, noting something once in a while before he came back in and informed us that he would go to the store for the footage.

It took awhile, but he must have found something, because he seemed to have a bounce in his step.  Then he asked to talk to me personally.  Frankly because those two blog posts I made.

I...I'll admit, I didn't want to talk about it with him at first, but he explained that the Valravn could have been behind the kidnapping of Kai and he needed as much information about her as I could provide.

So...I did the best I could, even showing the odd tattoo on my arm that she put on me.  He was attentive, listening to everything I said, and I think he even took notes.  Once I started talking, I couldn't really stop, really.  I think I needed to vent to a real person, not a computer screen.

Once I finished, he hugged me and told me everything would be alright and he'll do his best to find my idiot friend.

He stayed for abit longer, even petting Flufflebutt, who seemed happy with the attention, and he left.  I think Royce gave him our numbers in case he needed us to clear something up.

I guess for now, though, all we have to do is wait, and for me, look into that Valravn mess I was forced into.

I want answers now, damnit!


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