Well, apparently the bookstore is for all troubled teens like my stupid ass. I met one of my fellow miscreants today and I feel like I met a kindred spirit. Kareena's apparently in trouble for many muggings and many thefts and, like me, is having to do therapy to deal with her anger issues. I think her Ma's to blame, because that woman is the most stupidest, most selfish bitch I ever heard open her fucking mouth. Any money that Kar makes, that woman demands to have. "For her rent." Bitch, that is your daughter, what the fuck is stopping your stupid ass from getting a damn job? Anyway, the book seller is a woman whose daughter I go to school with, which is okay, but we aren't friends. We exist and we respect that. Now, to the final person in the bookshop with Kar and me. Royce Bradshaw. He's cute, but he's definitely a no-nonsense, firmly with the law, sort. Which is abit of a buzzkill, but at least we can talk to each o...
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