Oh God what is happening?!

Well, I don't know how to be concise so fuck it. 

The world is ending and I have not even got a chance to vandalize a Starbucks yet. 

Okay, okay.  I need to take dee-WHY AM I TYPING THAT DOWN I DON"T NEED TO!

Okay, I think I can do this.  Here I go.

Royce and I were waiting not far from an area that was covered in barricades made of barrels, vehicles, and debris possibly from the inside of the warehouses when Tony found us.  I almost pissed myself in fright when he came up.  I must have been too preoccupied to hear him approach, or else he was that quiet.

However, it wasn't just him this time.  He had friends.  A woman named Ciel and two men named Terrance and Justin.  Maybe I was just that preoccupied...

Tony asked what all I knew about where I was perched at and all I could supply was that I was directed to this location, told to get a car, and wait until a break came.  Ciel mentioned that kids shouldn't be playing cops and, in her words, 'fucking robbers', but Tony reminded her that I was as much a victim of a Fear as Kai was. 

That when when Justin noticed some activity.  It seemed that TRIAS had sent agents to the roofs and that was also when a speeding parade of cars and SUVs came, some armored, some not.  It was then that I got a text on the phone from 'Cliff' telling me that the break was here.

Royce pointed out that TRIAS found some snipers and was in the process of taking them out as the men and women in the cars and SUVs started firing at those KRAKEN bastards.  Using the plethora of barriers that KRAKEN and the attackers both provided, we were able to get to the warehouse with little trouble. 

But that was when some KRAKEN agents found us.  Three people, couldn't tell what gender two of them were.  Two had black hair and I swear they had glowing red eyes.  The third was a woman that suddenly turned into a snake woman. 

I feel like I was on one hell of a drug trip after this point.

And I swear to you that the man named Justin?  He put something on his right arm and it looked like it was a scythe of some sort.  I know Kai would want something like that.

Justin went and took on the snake woman while Royce and Tony took care of the black haired twins. 

The fight between Justin and the serpent woman was almost like a dance.  A very...fatal dance.  Quick dodges to avoid getting bit, slashes that gets mostly cloth or scale, twists that would make Martial Artists nod in pride. 

I was almost mesmerized by the fighting, but Royce smacked my arm to get my attention.  Right, still hadn't gotten Kai at that point.

While looking for him, we saw a man cut himself open and a few birds shot out, but then something incinerated him.  I honestly couldn't tell you what it was, but it involved someone from the armored cars.  That was also when something exploded on the roof.

We encountered some other agents of KRAKEN further in the location, two of them were using surgical tools, and a third was about to grab a gun when Ciel was firing her's at them, Tony and Royce joining in as Justin and Terrance ushered me to the side.

It wasn't long before Ciel told us it was 'fucking clear' that we continued on.  Thankfully, we found Kai alone in a room.  What wasn't good was that he looked sick.  I couldn't tell you if it was lack of his opioid treatments or those monsters did something to him.  He was sweaty, his eyes dialated and watery, and the way he was curled up made me think his stomach was hurting him.

Ciel got something out of a case and injected it into Kai, and then had Terrance and Royce help him up so we could get him out of there.

Around that time, most of the agents and KRAKEN were engaged with each other so that gave us plenty of time to get out without worry of being accosted.

Once we got out of the place, we were quick to get to the car I stole and Tony started driving out of the area.  I told him that Cliff told me to drive to a national park with Kai, and he said Kai needed medical attention and he didn't feel like I needed to go by myself.  It was around then that the ground started to shake and Tony almost swerved off the road.

And THAT was when a tower made of metal and flesh erupted out of the building, with metallic wires shooting through the ground, buildings, even through people. 

We had to pray for our lives as he had to drive like a mad man on the roads to Kansas City to keep from getting speared through by the wires.

A few moments later, however, something happened.  We saw some of the other vehicles that rammed into KRAKEN's headquarters race out of there like their asses were on fire, and that was when Justin yelled that the wires were turning into vines. 

At that point, I was praying to God to get us away from there and to a safe enough location.  But then I had to look behind us as we somehow got out of Seattle, and I saw this...pollen?  I think that's what it was.  It was covering everything in the city, and for some reason, I felt that it wasn't a good sign.

Oh, Kai's waking up.  I'll post more later.

- Kareena


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