KRAKEN, Ferris and then Cliff

Alright.  Kai only woke up for alittle bit, but not long enough to answer anything.

But there is more to the story I need to add.

After we got out of the city, a vehicle with KRAKEN agents rammed into us, smacking us into a ditch and making the car unusable.

We left the vehicle and Tony used what look to be tranq darts on a few agents as Terrance used a flash grenade.  Royce and I did our best to keep Kai away from those damn monsters when, to my absolute surprise, a man teleported in-between us and the agents.

And I swear to you, I am not making this up, but he shouted bang and a bolt of lightning came out of, I think it was either his hand or his finger.  I couldn't tell because it was lightning and those tend to be pretty bright.  The next guy he somehow froze into place before causing a spike of ice to spear through him.

The third had his face cut off by rose petals.  For some reason, I keep thinking I saw that in an anime once, but I can't place where...

The FOURTH agent, he died in a way that would give me nightmares for the next few days, provided nothing ELSE horrifying happens.  All I will say is that HE MELTED THE MAN'S FACE OFF LIKE FROM RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK.

The final agent was killed off like a normal person, thank God.  Afterwards, he looked at us, then at Kai before saying, "So that's our guy, huh?"

Then he collapsed.

Tony was going to go over and help him, but that's when Cliff called again, demanding to know where we were.

I told him that KRAKEN attacked us and we're trying to find another vehicle.  It was around then that Ciel pointed out that there were two vehicles over yonder and that we could use those.  Once I hung up, she told me that she, Terrance, Justin and her were taking Kai to a medical facility because he looked dehydrated and could possibly be poisoned.

Tony insisted that Royce go with him, a familiar face should Kai wake up, and that Tony and I would be going to meet with Cliff.  If the other had an issue about Kai not being with us, then that will be explained then.

Apparently when you become a private eye, you are taught to hotwire cars as well.  I think I know what I want to be when I finally get a job.

Also, I would like to apologize to Ferris for not getting him.  We needed to go before TRIAS got us and they were heading our way rather quickly.  Again, I am sorry, though Tony insists that he'll be fine. 

Ciel, Terrance, Justin and Royce went further South, hopefully to a hospital and for Kai to get proper treatment, and Tony and I went to the closest National Park we could find.

In the end, though, we decided on Mount Rainer, if only because it was both close yet far enough away as to ensure we weren't covered in that odd pollen.

Cliff and apparently a group of his people were there, waiting for us.

"Where's the Keeper of the book?" asked the blond man, whom I assumed is Cliff, as they never introduce themselves.

"He's going to a hospital to receive medical treatment.  It seems KRAKEN didn't take into account that he is currently dealing with an opioid addiction." I replied.

"You should have brought him here.  We have doctors to help him."

"I do not trust you or your 'leader'.  As such, I would prefer he receives help in an environment that I know authorities can visit.  And besides, I don't think your doctors know how to treat opioid addictions."  And I believe I hit a note of truth there, as one of the others nodded in agreement to my statement.

"Regardless. He could fall into the hands of the other Fears and I will not allow that." said Cliff before Tony raised his hands.

"Before we come to blows, can I ask why Kai is so important to you?"

"As I don't know who you are, I don't feel the need to answer you.  Or that new Feather of ours.  Wasting every gift given to her as is." said Cliff.

"Well I never asked for it and your so-called LADY can take them all back!" I snarled.  I got pissed, though I knew spouting out angrily would not get us anywhere.

One of the others was about to attack me when Bird Bitch herself appeared, holding onto the minion's shoulder.  Tony later told me that all he heard was screeching and moaning of souls suffering, but I heard her quite clearly.

She told them that it doesn't matter if Kai was here or not.  He's not with KRAKEN and that is good enough.  My purpose isn't to obey Cliff, but to assist Kai.  Afterwards, I...I honestly don't remember.

Tony said I entered a trance of some kind and started walking away.  Cliff told him to follow me and we just...left.  I didn't come to until just an hour ago.  Mentally, anyway.  I was physically awake and I still couldn't tell you what was going on outside my head.

I...I'm going to go lay down. 


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