Update again

Okay, update time!

The book is now turning its eldritch chicken scratch into English!  Not all of it, but enough to see that it apparently doesn't like what's going on.  Also, more weird symbols are popping up, but, as usual, I don't understand ANY of it.

Also, Royce and I spotted Kareena for a moment, but she vanished before we could get to her. 

Her vanishing did leave behind a feather, though.  Hey Doc!  If we meet again, I think I might have a Bird Bitch sample for you. 

OH!  Before I forget, yes, I called my parents.  I let them know I'm okay, but that I can't go home until I have helped fixed this mess.  They want me to come back and told me they wouldn't ground me, but I have a magic book that can help summon demon forests that act like zombie invasions. 

I'm pretty certain that if it's read by the right people, it'll reverse it, too. 

Okay, Royce just said that there seems to be a vehicle tailing ours for some reason.  I'll text you all later. 


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