Well, that was unexpected

First off, minor update with Tony and them.  As much as they wanted to help with Kareena, she was effectively beyond their help and they had other cases with other people to help, so we amicably parted ways, though Tony was chill enough to give us his work number should we need help with anything within reason for them. 

Now, to the meat of the update

The car that Royce and Kareena stole broke down outside of the Missouri State line.  I think the oil in it went bad or something because smoke came out of the engine.  So we've had to hoof it to the next town while praying that one of those seed things don't crash down on our heads.

Had to go through some timber to get away from a truck at some point.  I can't remember if it said ARC or AMU on the side of it, but neither one of us decided to risk it.  However, that was when we got beset upon by this HUGE AS FUCK black dog.

Like, he was bigger than even a Great Dane, he was fucking big.  And apparently he decided that Royce and I would make a GREAT dinner.

We ran like bitches, of course.

Anyway, we got stopped by the Neosho River, with a bridge crossing it a bit a ways from where we were, but we weren't going to out-run that big fucking dog, though if we didn't think of something.

That was when the stupidest thing I ever saw appear.

A large squirrel.  Bigger than normal, standing on its back legs, claws and teeth bigger than normal, but it was a squirrel.

It started screeching that it was the Fear of Vermin and we should be afraid.   I decided that it would be best served as a distraction.

I punted the fucker into the mouth of that dog, and when the two abominations fought each other, Royce and I booked it.

Haven't seen it or the squirrel since, but Royce and I are taking turns watching each other's backs and being on watch in motel rooms.

Oh, before I forget, I did get ahold of Royce's sister, Wren.  She has Flufflebutt at the moment, and we discovered that Flufflebutt is a girl because she got a tick and had to be shaved in order to find it.  Also, Flufflebutt really is a dog.  Color me surprised.

Anyway, we're heading out again.  Motel wants people out at a certain time and I think the neighbors' found out we're using their hotspot.



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