A wandering post

Hey, it's Kai here.

Last few days...weeks?  I don't know anymore.  I don't even care.  It's been awhile since I last typed something and now I'm safe enough to do so.

I'm sure you read Doc Ferris's blog about Royce and I making it to his lab with at least all body parts attached.  I need to thank Kallaway once I see him again about that.  Eh, that's later.

Right now, I've been drawing the circles and symbols while the Doc studies the book.  It seems...complacent with him, but it's still not giving him anything to look at.  Maybe its whatever a Devil Killer is.  All I know is that it's not doing the whole teleport back to me once it gets to a certain distance thing. 

Does that statement need hyphens?  Maybe I need writing classes because the Doc also said that exposure to eldritch things like the book and Valravn causes something called the Compulsion, making me have to write just about everything down and with damn near perfect memory. 

I could use that for my school notes...

Oh wait, update.  Sorry.  I decided to write this after I got my morphine treatment, so I'm alittle bit out of it.

Anyway, I've been doing my part to help fix this mess.  Writing down the circles and symbols, hugging Royce when we need it, slowly learning Japanese because one of the Doc's assistants is nice and I asked her to teach me whenever she visits.  Which is kind of often.

Between you and me, I think she might have a small crush on Kallaway, (to which I don't blame her, he's nice on the eyes) though I cannot say with any certainty and I most certainly do not impose my opinion on others.  ....wow, that sounded really adult there a moment. 

I also met Jane and Ellie...or is it Eli?  I can't remember at the moment.  We're amicable in our meetings, they ask a few questions, I answer honestly, and then I was made to call Mom and Dad.

Yeah...they still aren't happy with me, but they do understand what I'm trying to do.  And Mom really hopes I learn some better defence tactics other than kicking things into mouths of other things. 

As for Kareena, well, I haven't seen or heard from her recently, but I did get a bird visit with a letter.  It was a crow, I think?  I can't tell the difference between crows and ravens.  Is it size?  Their sounds?  Whatever.  Anyway, shiny-stealing black bird handed me a letter written by Kareena and I can tell parts of it were written by that Valravn bitch. 

Kar writes fancy, yes, but there's only so much cursive she can do before she gets annoyed and goes print.

But the paper said Kareena's doing fine at the moment, and is learning things.  Honestly?  I don't care if she's learning things, I want her away from that gotdamn bitch.

Okay, sounds like Doc's done with whatever experiment he was doing.  Time to take the letter to him and see what he can deduce from Bird Bitch's words.  Also to hand over most of what I was able to draw down.  Laters everyone and tell Smokey the Bear to suck it.


  1. It's the size. Ravens are very large birds. You'll know a raven when you see it.


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