Nerves are shot, people!

Okay, update.  One HELL of an update.  Like, Jesus, man...

Alright.  You all know how I'm pretty much shacked with Doc along with Royce so we can get these patterns to him, right?  Well, apparently someone got fucking pissed at the idea and attacked the lab.

The day started normally enough.  I get up, eat something while I hear the Doc either speaking techno-gibberish about something or talking to Kalloway about stuff I don't get.  Like with my parents, but with alot more English with a sprinkle of Japanese.

But anyway, I finish up and go about my usual deal of writing down symbols and designs.  Royce came up and started asking me some questions, can't remember them at the moment because it was around then that I noticed a crow in the window.  I pointed it out and asked Royce what he thought that meant.

He said a bad omen, something about the death of something?  Yeah, death of something or someone.  Anyway, that was when a raven landed next to the crow.  No big deal, just a bigger black bird.

HOWEVER, I want to know what black bird is bigger than a raven that isn't a vulture because a moment later, THAT fucker landed and that was around then that Kalloway came in.

And EVERYTHING went to shit.  All kinds of crows and ravens just flooded the room we were in.  I'm pretty certain the screaming got Doc's attention because he popped in as all the birds merged into Bird Bitch.  

Okay, I'm going to do my absolute best here to repeat everything I heard and seen, so if I missed a detail or two, it's because I either wasn't paying attention or wasn't near enough for me to notice.

Bird Bitch emerged out of her cloud of feathers and started talking.  She started talking, telling me that Kareena was turning into a nice little Feather.  Though she still kept rebelling, which was great because it meant that she would take the initiative, whatever that means.

It was around then that she turned to look at Doc and I couldn't tell you if she was sneering or something, but she seemed to have that tilt to her head, probably expressing her disdain for him or something.  I can't even tell if her face was the giant bird skull or what.  

"What do you want, Valravn?" demanded the Doc.

"Oh, nothing much, little leech.  Always sticking your nose into things you shouldn't, and suffer so much when you feel the consequences.  Like what happened to Tyler, your leg, and many of your friends.  And if you keep making the Keeper draw down the secrets, you'll suffer much worse."

The Doc sneered back at Bird Bitch and showed off his bug arm thing.  "I can't suffer any worse than this.  Maybe you should go back to your nest and clean the bird shit off."  And the fight was on.

Those two duked it out for at least an hour, I can tell you that now.  The book teleported to me the moment Bird Bitch attempted to grab it, and when she tried to attack me for it, Kalloway leapt inbetween, only to be smacked into a wall with little effort on Bird Bitch's part, though it did allow Doc to stab her in the back.

Once the two were driven to a stand-still, Valravn drew herself up to her eight, nine foot height and spread her right arm, cloak-like feathers obscuring anything behind her.

"You are a talented knight.  Pity your greed for power knows no bounds." 

That was when her arm dropped, revealing this thing.  

I thought I heard the Doc say something about a rake, but that was as far as he got before this thing just bolted, like, faster than I could blink fast.  And I don't know about you, but I would think you would go for the body with your first attack, but that thing didn't.  

Went right for the cane.  Sliced it clean in half like it was a hot scalpel through melted butter.  Then he bolted away, like he was taunting Doc.  Bird Bitch seemed to be using that time to heal up a bit, but Kalloway's magic Danger Stick apparently either wasn't working or he was too dazed still to magic it up.  

The next attack by that thing was him feinting to a direction and then somehow leaping over the Doc and slashing his back and it also looked like it got his braid, too.  Then that thing was almost...skipping?  What that dog-man was doing looked like he was skipping on all for limbs, like he was mocking the Doc.  

I got pissed and wanted to attack that thing, but Royce and someone else, I think Jane?  I don't remember, but both held me back and told me I wouldn't survive.  

Then, as the Doc attempted to get back up, that thing lunged back at him one more time, striking his bad leg.

I guess the pain got the better part of him because he was now on his side, writhing in agony.  That was also when Valravn began her approach to him, saying something, though I couldn't hear because all I heard was the agonized screaming of people.  I remember Kareena saying that when Val spoke to someone directly, other people only heard the screams of the damned...

Anyway, that was when the Doc apparently started panicking, because he was suddenly throwing powers all over the place.  Almost got me a few times with them, and I think he got Royce on his left forearm with a frost spell.  And yes, I'm calling them spells.

Bird Bitch started attacking again, this time letting us hear the conversation...monologue?  Soliloquy?  Eh, whatever, she started taunting the Doc, saying that he could have all the powers in the world, it still wouldn't fix his mangled leg, his lost kin, and how it would only create more people like Tyler with his greed.  

And after mentioning Tyler, she picked the Doc up, held him up like a puppy by the scruff of his neck, and then SLAMMED him into the ground, face first.  For abit, I honestly thought she straight up murdered him.

Then she turned to look at me.  

"Keeper. If you cannot stop giving symbols to greedy little leeches, then maybe it's time a new Keeper cares for the book."

Holding up one of her hands, she made some sort of sword appear in her hand and she was about to fucking stab me when a bunch of black tentacles grabbed her from behind and started slamming her and the dog-man thing both like a pissed off tenta-porn monster.  

I also think that the Doc had mentally snapped, as he was now screaming about who being broken, weak and pathetic now, with each question being punctuated with a slam to the ground.  It was also at that moment that I saw that his blood and eyes went pitch black.  Like that Vanta paint, but....wrong. Least, that's what it looked like to me.

After slamming her into the ground for the, I think sixth, seventh time, Doc, the source of all the tentacles, shot two out at the dogman thing, grabbing it extremely tightly while bringing it to his face.

"I don't have this one yet" was what he said and God his voice sounded too much like those Fear things for comfort.  Then he began to squeeze tighter, causing both their bones and joints to make disgusting snapping and crunching noises.

Honestly, I was sick to the point of puking at that point in time, though the only thing that I could think of was if Bird Bitch died, would it kill Kareena too?  I don't know.  I honest to God don't know and I didn't want to take that risk.  But I couldn't say anything because, again, I was sick to the point of puking.  And now that I think about it...I think I did.  Yeah...I did.  I need to clean my shirt.

Anyway, Royce, probably thinking the same thing or the Doc's voice being all scary and shit wasn't gelling with him decided to try and talk him out of whatever panicked madness the Doc was in the thrall of.  Maybe that was a side effect of the Brute's power?  Need to ask what the Brute is, anyway.

Again, I digress. Sorry.

It took abit of Royce yelling that the Doc was a better man than that, that if he killed them, that would prompt the others to attack them, would he even be able to kill them and not just kill their physical form, thus causing them to reform in their realm with a vengeance, and would Bird Bitch's death kill Kareena too, the Doc came back to his sense, letting them go and retracting his tentacles back into himself.

The dog-man thing left, didn't even hit the ground before he was gone.  Valravn, though, she stayed a moment.  

"I respect your power.  I don't think you understand the full grasp of it, though.  Don't let your greed get better of you, Leech."  

Then she poofed, feathers everywhere before they vanished, too.

While we were just there, some of us confused, others horrified, the Doc just fell over.

Kalloway and Royce went over to see how he was when his eyes opened again.  They weren't the Doc's eyes, so I figured Hellfire was in charge.

"Hi, the Doc's still alive, but I think you need to get Elie's medkit because he's gonna be out for awhile."

And that's basically the end of that.  He's recuperating at the moment while the rest of us are trying to clean up and for me to deal with this damn need to write everything down.  And also inform everyone that the book just wrote to me in English, saying something about how the feathers are now flying against the winds and how the dagger will soon be in place.  

No idea what any of that means, so I'm just...I'm gonna call Mom and Dad.  


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