How is this good, again?

 Really freaked out.  

He keeps screwing with Kalloway and I's training at random times and makes people do what he wants them to do.  

It sucks.  But he mostly screws around with Kalloway.  I occasionally see that one ghost guy, glaring all the while when Phantasm 'isn't looking', but that's all at the moment.  Honestly, I think Phantasm knows he's there glaring, but doesn't care.

Now, on to the, in my opinion, more important part of this update.

The book's gone.  It vanished.  Last night, I got one last symbol out of it before it put in big red letters "I WILL PROTECT YOU".  

Then it just vanished.  But I woke up with a vambrace kinda like the Doc's but not sciency as his.  Made with red leather and metal plates with this weird black metal in the circle-devil forks-demented dreamcatcher emblem.  I wanted to call it a bracer, but Tony actually explained the differences between that and a vambrace. 

Apparently a bracer is more for helping a hand heal from an injury or a sprain while a vambrace is to protect your arm.  Who knew?  Certainly not this dumbass.

I cant take it off, but I honestly feel better with it on.  Kalloway thinks the book actually turned into the vambrace thing, so I guess it's the book's way of protecting me?  I can't make it do anything though, and it certainly hasn't stopped Phantasm from fucking with my training.  

So...until the guy leaves, I guess I gotta deal.  And maybe figure out how to make the damn bracer thing work.  

By the way, the bokken are pretty awesome.

Laters everyone.


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