On our way to the Panic Train

 Hey, Kai the Dumbass here.  First off, Royce wants to let everyone know he's okay, even if he never posted anything on the blog.  

Second, we're on our way to Seattle as we speak.  


Anyway, figured I'd post something before we get there, let everyone know that I'm still okay, even if I'm surrounded by superpowered badasses from here to Timbuktu.

Doc and I spoke privately, and I think, if I survive this, I'll take up internship with the guy.  Parents don't like the idea, but he basically does what they do, but without the whole 'Augment Badass Level' thing.  So...they're thinking that working with Doc is the same as working with TRIAS, but without the awkwardness of my parents being there.

Also, the Demi-God Hunter spoke to me abit, told me to burn the book.  I told him I already tried, actually, and it didn't work.  At all.  But at the moment, it was literally stuck to my hand, so it was my job to make sure KRAKEN and whoever those White Comet dickheads didn't use it to make the world a worse place.  

He didn't seemed all that pleased with the book refusing destruction, but he did commend my goal of keeping it out of the hands of dicks.  Then he offered me a few tips on how to defend myself.  

Guy seems pretty decent when he isn't actively trying to kill you.  

Anyway.  That actually isn't the main reason why I wanted to write this down.  Besides Compulsion striking.

Mom called and before she hung up, she warned me to beware of being bitten before hanging up.  Apparently TRIAS is heading to Seattle and Mom is on one of the combat teams.  Dad's on reserve and to make sure that if Mom died, I still had one parent.  Thanks Director.

But why should I worry about being bitten?  Only thing that liked biting me was that damn moose, Rocky Garfunkle.  

Anyway, I'm gonna save battery life on this phone.  Laters, folks and pray this idiot dumbass survives to see the sun rise.


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