Recounting the Panic Train Hype

Hey, Kai the Dumbass here.

I am typing this after the fact, so don't worry about me being in danger or the like.  

Let me start by saying that after we finally let the Fear dicks take each other on, we all rushed into the Forest and I swear to God, almost instantly got lost.  Like the Forest pulled a Rose Red on us.  (Yes, I watched it, and yes I like it.)

Anyway, I'm trudging around, TRYING to be quiet in a forest more quiet than Death itself, only to almost get shot by a Non-Spored person. Their name's Avie and as we both were pretty much lost and alone, we teamed up to get further in, if only in hopes of finding others of our groups.

We small-talked abit, though I couldn't tell you what it was about.  Honestly, I think I streamed-of-thought at one point and they told me to stop.  Then we heard yelling and screaming, like someone was doing their own 'tribes of the lost world' movie or something.  Couldn't understand a single word.

And in typical fashion, Avie had to pull me into the bushes because I stood there like the dumbfuck I am.  But I know how to remain really still, so that helped.  Frankly because there were ALOT of the Spore people and there was only them and me.  No way we could have won that fight, even WITH guns.  One started getting far too close for comfort.  So much so that I held my breath to keep from making noise, but I didn't have to hold it long, because apparently two of its buddies decided to fight.  I think it was a dominance thing.

But after the fight, they still stayed.  Maybe they knew we were there, but not exactly where.  I was beginning to think we may have to duke it out to get the hell out of there when a VERY loud noise interrupted the silence.

At first, I thought it was a diesel or a tractor.  Those would have been easy to get to, start up and drive forward.  However, it also sounded like it was pushing down trees.  

Bulldozer?  Not as easy to get to, but still doable AND can push trees down.


I don't know where the hell it came from, who the hell could be driving it, or WHY THEY WOULD BE THERE, but when Life hands you a sign from God, you take it and run like the little bitch you are.  And that's exactly what I did.  Avie started running first and I just followed as best as possible.  

At the time, I also remember thinking that Kareena would have been pissed that someone drove over a Starbucks employee with a tank because I remembered her mentioning wanting to drive a tank through a Starbucks.


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