
 Kai again, with part three of Non-Vault 22.  There are more parts, don't you worry none.

Anyway, I started forward after feeling watched by something or someone.  Honestly, I just wanted to get to the center, bring the Newborn back, keep from being Tech-ified, and go home.  It was when I was approaching some hollowed out buildings when some Spore-folks popped out with the intention of either infecting me or murdering me.

But that didn't happen.  What DID happen was some thorns shooting out of the sky like they were bullets into their green, gooey heads.  And then...and then he landed in front of me.

"Um...Are you Tyler?" I asked, unsure of what his intentions were.

"I prefer the Thorned Prince.  Now, do me a little favor and hold still."

"Uh, no." I replied and dodged as he shot another, much larger, thorn that should be called a spike at me.  I got the bokken and used them to deflect a thorny vine he threw out at me, letting it impale the concrete wall behind me.  Using the opportunity, I rushed him, smacked him hard in the gut with a spin before darting off again, barely avoiding a wooden spike to my leg.

He twisted around a lot quicker than I thought he could, and launched the vine at me again.  I barely missed getting grazed by the thorns on it as I bent backwards.  Unfortunately, that caused me to lose my balance and fall onto my back.

Lifting the vine, he was about to crush me when I rolled out of the way, getting back onto my feet as quick as possible.  However, I did lose a bokken, the vine breaking it once it crashed on the ground.  

But in my haste to get back onto my feet, I failed to dodge from a second tentacle, slashing my left side and upper arm in the process.

That was when I felt this intense burning in the vambrace that the book turned into, like it was fire made liquid turned wrath.

All I remember after that moment was four words: I will protect you.

Next thing I know, I blink back to reality and see Tyler glaring before darting off.  

I honestly don't know what happened, but...it felt like someone or something?  Someone...someone feels more appropriate.  It felt like someone else took charge and did something with my body.  I went over to the wall and leaned against it, before just sliding down it and letting my ass hit the ground.

It was also around then I noticed a few things.  First, I could actually sense the eldritch energies around me, some very faint and passive, and others more aggressive, but at a distance.  Seemed the Fear Dicks were still fighting each other far away from us.  Though I could feel Tyler's energy not super far away, but far enough that I couldn't get to him quickly if I was stupid to continue that fight.

Second, I noticed a few more cuts and slashes on me.  A couple on my legs, one on my chest, and it looked like Tyler may have gotten his vine on my right wrist and tried to do something.  But I guess besides making me immune to whatever the fuck the Spores were, Tyler couldn't infect me due to the book.

Third, both bokken were broken now.  That meant I got to play baseball with the crutch.  Asked Royce why he didn't take it, said he preferred guns more and I have to admit, he is a damn good shot with a gun.  Really wanna ask him on a date...

Oh shit, digressing here.  Sorry.

ANYWAY, it was during that time I sensed a burst of energy, before I heard someone coming up.  Turned out it was the Doc and we talked a moment while he tended my various, small cuts.  I wanted to tell him about the black-out moment I had, but I decided against it, what with him mentioning that he needed to hand Tyler a pink slip. 

After he left, I just...sat there for abit, listening and sensing what Daniel and Tyler were probably going to do to each other.  But I didn't stay long.  I needed to find the corpse of the Newborn.  So, I got up and got going again.


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