So that's how my first laptop died...

Part 4 of Non-Vault 22 Hell.

I heard/sensed the fight going on with Tyler and Doc not far away, but I didn't approach because I started getting a sense that, I needed to get to the Newborn's corpse.  Compelled, almost.  Who knew the Compulsion extended to more than just writing, huh?

I was walking to the Tower when I sensed someone coming up behind me.  Lifting the crutch like I would a baseball bat, I whirled around ready to take whoever it was's head off.  Only to see...I'm going to be honest, I'm pretty certain they looked a whole lot better before this crazy forest shit went down.  It was also when I noticed they had one of those special masks like I was wearing.

"Uh...Hi?" I asked tentatively because they raised a knife at me at the same time.  "Um...I'm going to lower this crutch and hope we can talk this out because I really don't want to fight at the moment."

"Great, because I have things to do, too." said the person that I would later find out is Genome.  

"Sweet, so do I.  Helping with reviving the giant metal thing?"

"That would be the Manufactured Newborn, but yes.  What's your reason for heading there?"

"Those KRAKEN bastards made me draw them symbols.  This time, I'm redrawing them on my own volition." I replied and that may not have been the right thing to say, because she whirled on me with a glare and I honestly thought she was going to deck me.

"YOU?!  YOU helped them bring the Newborn here?!"

"Not like I wanted to!  I'm an idiot teenager, yes.  I'm also apparently in possession of a book that knows eldritch shit that I can't get rid of in any way shape or form.  Believe me, I tried.  Those KRAKEN assholes tortured me, demanding me to draw symbols and circles.  If I knew just how those pictures would affect literally EVERYTHING, I would have let myself die.  I honestly would have.  But I'm here now to fix what I was made to break.  If you are a servant of the Newborn, then I am willing to help."

Her glare was hot, but after a moment, she sighed and looked at me again.

"Staying mad isn't helping fix this.  If you are really here to help, then let's get going."

"Thank you." I said and followed, being mostly quiet, though I did ask a few times just what being a Newborn Servant entailed.  I...don't think she liked me probing too much and threatened to destroy my laptop with porn.  Which honestly sounded familiar, but yeah, I would like my comps not murdered by hentai if that's okay.

More details on the next post, I promise.  Laters.


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