The tank has a name

 Part 5 of Non-Vault 22, written by yours truly, Kai.

It took us abit to get to the clearing, but once we did, I got a full view of what I had an unwilling hand in doing.

Thinking about it now still makes me want to gag.

Yeah, it was still a distance away and all, but that didn't matter.  I saw the consequence.  But then my new sense kicked in, pointing out that the clearing wasn't empty.

Seeing people that weren't green honestly made me so happy.  I went up to one of the people and asked if they seen Doc or Kallaway, but they didn't recall seeing either of them.

Seeing as they knew more about what to do than I did, I decided that I was gonna follow them until we got lost again.  Which that fucking place had a goddamn habit of.  


Anyway, the leader of the group, a Dr. Eiffel of the Not-French persuasion suggested we rest abit in the clearing.  Me being me, I thought that was a fucking swell idea.  However, I just couldn't relax.  Later, I would realize it was that new sense of mine telling me that we would be surrounded by the Spore Carriers.  

...Yeah I know I should have mentioned something, but I honestly thought my sense was telling me we were approaching the source of that shit bagel and not that a bunch of the green fucks were sneaking up on us.  That's one of the things Doc and I are working on, right now, actually.

During those two hours, more people did arrive, and I did ask if they saw Doc, Kalloway, hell, even Tony or Kareena, but no luck.

After the two hours were up, Dr. Eiffel ordered everyone to get rounded up and moving.  

However, that was also when I heard Avie shout "GREEN MAN!"

I got the stupid crutch out and got ready to swing the thing.  And yes, I noticed the look of horror one of the ex-ARC guys had when he saw me with it.  No, I still don't care, he should have been fucking happy that I even HAD something to fight with.  Not like he was lending me a spare gun!

Boss ordered a retreat as apparently the Spore Carriers were now becoming stronger against gunfire, but our attempt at fleeing was thwarted with more blocking the way.

"Oh we're so fucked." was what I muttered to myself before I heard it.

A familiar and happily, VERY WELCOMED vehicular roar.

When the tank came out of the woods, running over a few of the Spore Carriers, my brain latched onto some black painted letters on the barrel of the war machine.

Crippling Depression

And you know what?  It was fucking fitting considering the shit time everyone was having at that moment.  

Once the tank blasted a whole in a building, I thought it a good opportunity to book it, but then quite a few familiar faces showed up.

I'm going to be frank, I thought I wouldn't miss the Phantom or the Demi-God Hunter, but damn they were a sight for sore eyes.

Seeing that Mr. Eats-With-His-Chest wasn't busy for a moment, I shouted at him.

"HEY!  TELL DOC I'M OKAY!"  And then I booked it, not even making sure the guy knew who I was.  Smart?  No, but neither was I. 

And so, for that span of time, I was running with a bunch of possibly former military dudes to get to that Tower.  


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